Earn Badges and Points

Learn, share, and earn points in NRAA Voices

Be part of the largest community of dialysis administrators. NRAA Voices is the place to learn about what fellow members are doing in their facilities. As you learn and share your knowledge, you’ll connect directly with your fellow members. And soon enough you’ll be known for your knowledge and help you build your reputation.


Climb the Leader Board

Earn engagement points as you help your peers. If you’re really on top of your game, you’ll be recognized as a top contributor on Voices! By participating and earning points you’ll develop a reputation as a trusted peer. Here’s what you can do to earn points and how many points you get.


Points Awarded

You start a discussion.

10 points (each time)

You reply to another member’s discussion.

10 points (each time)

Your answer is marked as “Best Answer” by others.

7 points (each time)

You upload/post a resource in a community library.

7 points (each time)

You upload a profile picture.

5 points 

Your resource is "recommended" by others.

5 points (each time)

You rated a resource in a community library.

3 points (each time)

You commented on a resource in a community library.

3 points (each time)

You're subscribed in real-time to discussion group.

1 points (for each)

You read a discussion group's post.

1 points (each time)

You update your bio in your profile.

2 points

You update you contact information.

2 points

You message a fellow NRAA member.

2 points (each time)

You send out an invitation to connect with a fellow NRAA member.

2 points (each time)

You accept an invitation to become a contact with a fellow NRAA member

2 points (each time)

Here are the badges that you'll receive along the way. 

Award Descriptions


Supporter Earn 50 points
Builder Earn 100 points
Connector Earn 200 points
Leader Earn 300 points
Maverick Earn 500 points